Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 3/12/2023

Welcome to Woops Apps! By using our websites, games, or applications ("Services"), you're agreeing to these Terms and Conditions ("Terms"), so please read them carefully. If you don't agree, you should not use our Services.


Just by purchasing, downloading, installing, or using our Services, you're confirming you've read and agreed to these Terms. Our Privacy Policy is also part of these Terms, and by accepting these Terms, you accept our Privacy Policy too.

License Grant

We're giving you a personal, non-commercial license to use our Services. This license can be taken back and doesn't allow you to do anything with our Services that we don't explicitly permit, including making changes or using the Services commercially.

What You Can't Do

You're not allowed to mess with the Services' code, make copies for sale, use any bots or scrapers, or do anything illegal with our Services. Don't try to hack us or infringe on anyone's rights.

Age Requirement

You need to be at least 13 to use our Services. If you're between 13 and 18 (or the age of majority in your country), please get your parent or guardian's permission before using our Services. Ads might be shown based on the content you're viewing.

Accounts and Security

Some of our Services might require an account. Keep your account details safe and let us know if you think someone else has access to your account. We're not responsible for any losses due to stolen account details.

Buying Virtual Items

Our Services might let you buy virtual items with real money. Remember, these items aren't real and can't be exchanged back for cash or sold.

Content Ownership

We or third parties own all the content in our Services, and you can't use it without permission. This includes games, images, and any software.

User Content

If you post or upload content to our Services, you're giving us permission to use it. Make sure you have the right to post this content and that it doesn't break any laws or rights.

Third-Party Services

We might link to other websites or offer third-party products. We're not responsible for these external sites or products.


If you break these Terms, we can terminate your access to our Services. Some Terms will still apply after termination.

No Warranty

We don't guarantee that everything in our Services will always work perfectly or meet your needs. Our Services are provided "as is".

Liability Limitation

We're not responsible for any damages or losses related to your use of our Services, beyond the amount you've paid us for the Services.


You agree to protect us from any claims related to your use of our Services or your content.

Changes to Terms

We can change these Terms anytime. By continuing to use our Services after changes, you're agreeing to the new Terms.

Got questions? Please get in touch through our website, email us at info@woopsapps.com, or use the contact options in our Services.

Remember, by using our Services, you're agreeing to these Terms. Thanks for reading!